Portobello, Düsseldorf

Portobello – evocative name of an imposing block of flats in Düsseldorf/Unterbilk, situated between the city gate and the state parliament building. Steel and
ceramics – in the TERRART®-LARGE version here – appear to form a symbiotic relationship in this unusual formation. A building in an exposed location, which is predestined to provide high-quality accommodation.

Dahmen|Döring|Joeressen Architects
Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf Portobello, Düsseldorf


Jürgen Hartleb
Mobile: +49 (0) 162 2047 800
Email: j.hartleb@nbk.de

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