Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel

The long-standing paint manufacturer is located in the centre of Wunsiedel. The new multifunction building accommodating offices, a canteen as well as recreation and changing rooms forms a passage from the company’s premises to the town centre. The colourful shell of the new building is a striking landmark in the public space and an expression of the company’s progressive yet down-to-earth philosophy. Moving away from the public face of the building into the interior of the company premises, this ceramic façade cladding transitions into a glass structure. The ceramic façade comprises around 1,800 TERRART®-Large panels (1.20 m x 0.15 m x 0.03 m) in ten different colours. Three distinct colour groups are mounted vertically and horizontally, engaging in a dialogue that is repeatedly reflected in the harmonious sequence of the colour gradient.


Photos: Matthias Ley

Holl Plass Architektur
Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel Paint manufacturer Wunsiedel


Jürgen Hartleb
Mobile: +49 (0) 162 2047 800

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