Centre de Gestion dela Fonction Publique, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon

The new part of the administration building clearly reflects the strong and powerful urban development that can be seen in this area, and does its best to blend in with the architecture of its surroundings. The design is built on longevity and sustainability, and the chosen forms of expression are easy to understand yet manage to completely avoid any sense of boredom. The outer façade radiates rich natural hues: warm and bright on the TERRART®-Large elements that are used for the closed surfaces, and accentuated as a transparent „ladder structure“ made of baguettes in front of the window apertures. Depending on the spacing, the ceramic bars permit more or less incident light. The suspended aluminium construction at the corner of the building picks up the baguette theme again in a playful manner.

Centre de Gestion dela Fonction Publique, Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon



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